










國際學(xué)生加強(qiáng)美國與世界各國的關(guān)系,發(fā)展人民和社區(qū)之間的關(guān)系,這些關(guān)系對于解決全球挑戰(zhàn)是必需的。在我們的校園里,我們重視包容性,并積極支持來自多元背景的學(xué)生。在美國各地的學(xué)院和大學(xué)重視國際學(xué)生,因?yàn)槟銈冊诮淌覂?nèi)外皆帶來獨(dú)特而多元的視角。美國的大學(xué)和社區(qū)得益于國際學(xué)生的知識與才華,這幫助我們所有人 為互聯(lián)互通的世界中人人共享的成功未來做好準(zhǔn)備。



EducationUSA中國的顧問們愿意回答有關(guān)在美國學(xué)習(xí)的問題。你們可以在EducationUSA官方網(wǎng)站找到咨詢中心。對于那些仍在考慮是否到美國學(xué)習(xí)的人,EducationUSA的顧問們可以提供寶貴的資料來幫助你們做決定。在美國所有50個州擁有的4700多所認(rèn)證院校中,每一個人都可以找到一所適合的美國學(xué)院或大學(xué)。有許多價格的選擇,包括社區(qū)學(xué)院和“2 + 2”模式,這種模式結(jié)合了在社區(qū)學(xué)院和四年制院校的學(xué)習(xí),以獲得學(xué)士學(xué)位。


I want to congratulate all the students in China who have received offers of admission from one of the over 4,700 colleges and universities in the United States. As a former university president myself, I can tell you with confidence that studying in the United States will be an experience that will change your life.

For you and your families here in China, there is no better investment for your future than getting an American education. You will learn to think critically and to be innovative. You will be able to perfect your English. You will make contacts and develop job skills that will shape your career for decades to come. And perhaps most important, you will learn what it takes to operate successfully in the world’s two largest economies - the United States and China.

I admire the sacrifices you and your families made to get to this point. Graduates of U.S. universities have gone on to become leaders and innovators in many fields around the world, and you should be proud of the invitation to join this special and select group of young people whose lives will be changed forever by the dynamism, openness, and quality of campuses across the United States.


Offers of admission are the product of much careful thought and hard work, both by the students who apply and by American colleges and universities that conduct a rigorous review of these applications. We recognize the energy and creativity you poured into essays about your dreams and ideas, the hard work it took to prepare for English language and other examinations, and the commitments you fulfilled to community service and extra-curricular interests.

Over one million international students are now in U.S. higher education institutions, maintaining the United States’ long-standing position as the world’s top host nation for international students. This is a testament to the unmatched quality of American higher education in the eyes of international students and their families.

International students strengthen ties between the United States and countries around the world, developing the relationships between people and communities that are necessary to solve global challenges. We value inclusion, and actively support students from diverse backgrounds on our campuses. Colleges and universities across the United States value international students for the unique and diverse perspectives you provide both in and out of the classroom. American universities and communities benefit from the knowledge and talents of international students, which helps prepare all of us for shared, successful futures in an interconnected world.

U.S. colleges and universities take pride in providing safe, welcoming environments for all their students. My advice to you is simple. Take the time to become a part of your community when you get there. Make new friends from around the world. Get to know some local families. Explore the town or city where you live. The college experience in the United States is about more than just our classrooms. It’s also about the diversity of our nation and our local communities. I know if you make the effort to get to know them, you will be welcomed with open arms.

Consular officials in China and at American embassies and consulates around the world continue to work diligently to process student visa requests, and information about the visa process is available at official website of U.S. Visas and official website of U.S. Embassy.

EducationUSA advisers in China are ready to answer questions about studying in the United States. You can find an advising center at official website of EducationUSA. For those still considering study in the United States, EducationUSA advisers can provide valuable resources to help inform your decision. With over 4,700 accredited institutions in all 50 U.S. states, there’s an American college or university that’s right for everyone. There are study options at many price points, including community colleges and “2 plus 2” models that combine study at a community college and a four year institution to earn a bachelor’s degree.

As the U.S. Ambassador to China, I personally congratulate and encourage those of you who have received offers of admission to accept this life-changing opportunity and join your peers in experiencing the unique value of an American higher education.



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